So I guess this is all my fault.
He's right, I don't want to talk about it all the time. I do sometimes want someone to give a fuck. I also wouldn't mind if it felt safe to talk about anything with my social circle. I honestly think the only reason any of them have been cool with this stuff is because I'm not talking about it. Plus, I've made such a huge deal about how I would not become a mommy and talk about nothing more than my kid that I don't feel it's ok to bring up the subject at all. I feel like, with most of my social circle, I'm half a step from an eye roll and the "Oh great, here it is, she's becoming a mommy" statement. I don't think anyone gives a shit, so I don't bring it up to avoid being the person who has to bring up their baby and their pregnancy. Despite the fact that it's not on Facebook, I don't talk about it on social media at all, so basically unless I personally told you, you have no idea. I have done an excellent job at not making it a big deal, not just because I didn't want to be one of those people who makes the whole thing a big deal, but also because everyone around me seems to hate those people. I've kept this as under the radar as possible because I sort of feel like I have to. I don't want it to be a huge goddamn deal, but I guess the problem with being under the radar is that no one picks up on anything going on. Not that I think they want to know, since everyone is wrapped up in their own bullshit all the time anyway.
I don't know where I'm going with this.
I'm just cranky.
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